Sunday, November 9, 2008

Salon Receptionist in Training....

Addi's First day at work with her mommy was when she was only 6 days old.
Over the last few weeks she has met all of those common voices she heard in my tummy and has heard all the common noises. Addi does well at the salon it feels like home I'm sure. All of the girls love playing with her and are so happy she is here. I had some laundry to help fold on a busy salon afternoon. I put Addi in the basket and everyone commented on my multi tasking skills. I responded with "Shes in training" It wont be long tell Addi is helping out by painting her nails, climbing in the pedicure chairs, and playing hide in go seek.
But for know I'm going to enjoy caring her in the laundry basket and rocking her in my arms!

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